I really didn’t want to do anything that resembled work today, but ehh, I figured I would get the yards mowed, then let the midget pigmy children of this establishment play in the back yard and play with their new Nerf Guns.....and then it started to rain. Don't you just hate it when you have no excuse to not do what you should do? It’s one of those moral things, don’t cross your morals....because then Karma will kick you in the tail! (Just trust me on this)
Started off with just gonna do one batch, then it turned in to two, then after we ate dinner I started to clean up and realized that I had cleaned as I went so my pot was clean, as was my Jar Funnel, Tongs, and all of the other tools of the trade. Then I realized that I never turned the stove off, so my water was still boiling. Remember that moral/karma thing...yep, so two turned into 3. I'm not too saddened that I did all of this, as my wife came home the day after I started JellyManKelly, and said " I have an order for you, aren't you proud" So, I have just started this thing, I have not even truly thought everything out...my wife is taking orders for nonexistent product....I think that was a bit of karma to get me down the right path. (If you ignore the first moral/karma hint then karma comes back and kicks you in the teeth, and my parents spent alot on this grill!)
So..Where was I....I kind of lost track of where I was going with this? Oh YEAH...okay so here we go.
You know what I love about canning, and making Jelly. If you say the words " Pomegranate Jelly " you get Pomegranates coming out of the wood work...as long as you pass along a few jars. Its like owning a truck...when its time moving or hauling you always seem to have lots of Friends that want to spend time with you...while you move their house or haul their stuff! I was able to use the last of my " Morse Ranch " juice left over from Christmas, as well as a bit of " Poppa Don's " juice. The rest was POM. Although, I have found a future distributor of fresh juice...only problem is they deliver it in a 17 thousand gallon tanker. Yeah..think I'm gonna pass.
I was able to get 18 and a 1/3 jars canned. My Step Sisters are coming from Utah in a couple of weeks, and well ummm they never got their Christmas presents. Kinda not, but mainly my fault. I ran out of product, then I bought more, and did not have money to ship them.....but its okay...because I figure if this weather holds out they might not realize that its almost summer....its a 50/50 shot. So I have those presents to fulfil, and a couple of orders to fill, and then I can work my way onto a new batch, new flavor. I bet your wondering about that 1/3 jar that got left right....well
You just need to realize....JellyManKelly likes his Jelly on Toast. Later!
Oh yummy!! I never tried this before but I love Pomegranate!