Thursday, October 20, 2011

Words of wonder

So...the title probably has you thinking I wonder what words....okay bad joke.  So yeah, words of wonder.  Words are powerful, used in the correct form, for both good, and evil.  You can tell someone to go fly a kite, and depending on how you say it, there will be 1 of 2 outcomes.  You will either get an " Hey that sounds like a great idea " OR you will get punched in the nose.  Now, keeping the above in mind....saying the right things in E-mail...that can just be all bad.  E-mail, like words, can be your bestest freind, or your worstest enemy. 

For first E-mail of the day...I got one that started out " JellyMan, I EXPECT you to ".  My first response was " Oh no you didn't ".  Then, before I got a chance to breath and calm down...It started with an angry instant messaging session.  Now, normally this kind of stuff doesn't phase me.  But today it did.  This guy probably didn't think that it would affect me that much, or did he?  Yeah, now that I think of it he meant to start something.  You know, sometimes it is hard working in the corporate environment.  Years of being a Waiter have given me the skills to smile and nod, and beg for more.  But then years of working on a loading dock has taught me payback.  SO your going to bring your truck back filled with trash...Fine so I will load your stuff on the floor and give you a broken hand truck.  I digress.

So someone might want to ask...Did your day start off bad?  Umm Yeah..hello Captain Obvious!  I mean come the Pope Catholic?  Does a bear poop in the woods?  Does Howdy Doody have wooden balls?
AHA!  Howdy Doody does have wooden balls, and he is supported by strings.  Good thing my dad always taught me to carry a pocket knife....hmm those strings could get cut real quick, then Howdy Doody cant move.  Hah!  Awesome.

SO...yeah about the above rant...I'm sorry.  Had to do it.  It couldn't be helped.  I was going after a target audience with that one.  So on to bigger and better subjects.  Canning!

JellyManKelly products have been in short supply lately.  Long work schedules, birthdays, school starting, yeah.  No good.  So we will be starting canning season off early this year.  And to start it off, we will be going to Apple Hill, to buy a couple of boxes of apples!  That means I can replenish my Zombie stash of dehydrated apples, and give some to Mrs JellyMan.  Apple Butter will be back in stock, and hopefully a couple of quarts of sliced apples for apple pie filling. 

I think this will be a good thing for the Ole JellyMan.  All work and no play makes JellyManKelly a dull boy.  I have lacked that spark that I had going for me.  I had big plans to get into a kitchen, start selling online...but we may have to wait on that.  I know I am not irreplaceable.  That's a known fact.  Anyone who thinks there is not someone out there leaner, meaner, and willing to take less money for their job is a darned fool.  Just look at auto workers.  " HAH!  A robot that can do my job?  What have you been smoking? " No need to say more.  SO back to my point, I can't take the time off to get into a kitchen to get this ball rolling because that means when something goes wrong, and it will, someone else will have to pick up my slack.  That's not okay with me.  So, JellyManKelly will need to wait.  I promise, after the holidays are over and done with, and a new vacation calendar rolls around, You will see me pedalling my wares on the net.  PROMISE!!  Then maybe I will be a zen master of my life, and I would be able to blog about Cheesecakes, Chipotle Raspberry Jam, Muscatto Wine know the good stuff!  Well folks, until next time!

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